Version: 1.2.0

Updates to STIX Content

The following sections detail the changes that stix-ramrod makes when upgrading STIX content.


The sections below do not detail the full breadth and depth of changes made to the STIX language between releases. Some updates, such as the addition of new structures or controlled vocabulary terms do not require any changes to be made to the source content during an update.

To see a complete list of changes made to STIX, check out the Release Notes section of a STIX Language Release page.

STIX v1.1.1 to v1.2

STIX v1.2 was a minor release of the STIX language that introduced new schemas, expanded vocabularies and introduced new capabilities for existing data types.

STIX 1.2 is completely backwards compatible with STIX 1.1.1, so stix-ramrod makes minimal changes to STIX v1.1.1 content when upgrading to STIX v1.2.

The sections below describe the changes stix-ramrod performs during an upgrade from STIX v1.1.1 to STIX v1.2.

General Updates

The following general changes are made to STIX v1.1 content when updating to STIX v1.1.1:

  • The xsi:schemaLocation attribute updated to refer to STIX v1.2 schemas, hosted at
  • The version attribute on STIXType instances set to 1.2.
  • The version attribute on IncidentType instances set to 1.2.
  • The version attribute on TTPType instances set to 1.2.
  • The version attribute on CourseOfActionType instances set to 1.2.
  • The version attribute on ThreatActorType instances set to 1.2.
  • The version attribute on CampaignType instances set to 1.2.
  • The version attribute on ExploitTargetType instances set to 1.2.
  • The version attribute on IndicatorType instances set to 2.2.

Untranslatable Fields

No field translations are performed when upgrading from STIX v1.1.1 to STIX v1.2.

Translated Fields

There are no required translations when upgrading from STIX v1.1.1 to STIX v1.2.

Controlled Vocabulary Updates

At a minimum, controlled vocabulary updates include updates to the vocab_name, vocab_reference, and xsi:type attributes to refer to new data type names and versions. Instance values may be updated if typos were fixed in new versions.

The following updates were made to default STIX controlled vocabularies, defined by the stix_default_vocabularies.xsd schema.

  • DiscoveryMethodVocab-1.0 updated to DiscoveryMethodVocab-2.0.
    • Term 'Fraud Detection' corrected to 'External - Fraud Detection'.


Controlled Vocabulary updates can be disabled in stix-ramrod via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class or the --disable-vocab-update option if using

Empty Optional Fields Removed

No fields were changed from required to optional between STIX v1.1.1 and STIX v1.2.

STIX v1.1 to v1.1.1

STIX v1.1.1 was a bugfix release of the STIX language that fixed incorrect data types, typos, and requirements.

The sections below describe the changes stix-ramrod performs during an upgrade from STIX v1.1. to STIX v1.1.1

General Updates

The following general changes are made to STIX v1.1 content when updating to STIX v1.1.1:

  • The xsi:schemaLocation attribute updated to refer to STIX v1.1 schemas, hosted at
  • The version attribute on STIXType instances set to 1.1.1.
  • The version attribute on IncidentType instances set to 1.1.1.
  • The version attribute on TTPType instances set to 1.1.1.
  • The version attribute on CourseOfActionType instances set to 1.1.1.
  • The version attribute on ThreatActorType instances set to 1.1.1.
  • The version attribute on CampaignType instances set to 1.1.1.
  • The version attribute on ExploitTargetType instances set to 1.1.1.
  • The version attribute on IndicatorType instances set to 2.1.1.


STIX v1.1 and STIX v1.1.1 are both tightly integrated with CybOX v2.1. Updating STIX v1.1 content to STIX v1.1.1 will result in CybOX schema locations in the xsi:schemaLocation attribute to be updated to point to the schemas hosted at No other updates to CybOX content are performed.

Untranslatable Fields

All fields can be translated from STIX v1.1 to STIX v1.1.1.

Translated Fields

The following fields and data types are were changed in STIX v1.1 in a manner that requires translation in order to maintain a schema-valid status.

stixCommon:ConfidenceType and stixCommon:StatementType

When updating from STIX v1.0.1 to STIX v1.1, instances of stixCommon:ConfidenceType and stixCommon:StatementType must have their Source child elements updated to be instances of stixCommon:InformationSourceType.

In STIX v1.1, the Source field was of type stixCommon:ControlledVocabularyStringType.

In STIX v1.1.1, the Source field was updated to be of type stixCommon:InformationSourceType, a much richer data type with many more fields.

The value of the STIX v1.1 Source field is translated into an instance of stixCommon:IdentityType, where the Source value becomes the value of the Name field under stixCommon:IdentityType. The new stixCommon:IdentityType instance is assigned to the Identity field of the stixCommon:InformationSourceType Source field.

Example: A STIX v1.1 stixCommon:ConfidenceType instance.


Example: A STIX v1.1.1 stixCommon:ConfidenceType instance.



When updating from STIX v1.1 to STIX v1.1.1, instances of indicator:SightingType must have their Source child element updated to be instances of stixCommon:InformationSourceType.

In STIX v1.1, the Source field was of type stixCommon:StructuredTextType.

In STIX v1.1.1, the Source field was updated to be of type stixCommon:InformationSourceType, a much richer data type with many more fields.

The value of the STIX v1.1 Source field is translated into an instance of stixCommon:IdentityType, where the Source value becomes the value of the Name field under stixCommon:IdentityType. The new stixCommon:IdentityType instance is assigned to the Identity field of the stixCommon:InformationSourceType Source field.

Example: A STIX v1.1 indicator:SightingType instance.


Example: A STIX v1.1.1 indicator:SightingType instance.



When updating from STIX v1.1 to STIX v1.1.1, instances of stixCommon:CampaignReferenceType must be updated.

In STIX v1.1, the stixCommon:CampaignReferenceType contained a child Names element, which was of type stixCommon:NamesType.

In STIX v1.1.1, the stixCommon:CampaignReferenceType was updated to extend the stixCommon:GenericRelationshipType and introduced a new Campaign element layer as a result.

Example: A STIX v1.1 stixCommon:CampaignReferenceType instance.

    <indicator:Related_Campaign idref='campaign-foo-1'/>

Example: A STIX v1.1.1 stixCommon:CampaignReferenceType instance.

        <stixCommon:Campaign idref="campaign-foo-1>

Controlled Vocabulary Updates

At a minimum, controlled vocabulary updates include updates to the vocab_name, vocab_reference, and xsi:type attributes to refer to new data type names and versions. Instance values may be updated if typos were fixed in new versions.

The following updates were made to default STIX controlled vocabularies, defined by the stix_default_vocabularies.xsd schema.

  • AvailabilityLossVocab-1.0` updated to ``AvailabilityLossVocab-1.1.1.
    • Term 'Degredation' corrected to 'Degradation'.


Controlled Vocabulary updates can be disabled in stix-ramrod via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class or the --disable-vocab-update option if using

Empty Optional Fields Removed

The following elements were required in STIX v1.1 but became optional in STIX v1.1.1. Empty instances of these fields will be stripped during the update process.

  • All child nodes of the Generic Test Mechanism extension instance, GenericTestMechanismType.


By default, stix-ramrod will remove empty instances of optional fields which are discovered in input content. This behavior can be disabled via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class, or the --disable-remove-optionals flag if using the bundled

STIX v1.0.1 to v1.1

STIX v1.1 was a minor release which came after STIX v1.0.1. STIX v1.1 introduced a number of new fields, data types, and extensions for capturing and characterizing cyber threat intelligence data.

The sections below describe the changes stix-ramrod performs during an upgrade from STIX v1.0.1 to v1.1

General Updates

The following general changes are made to STIX v1.0.1 content when updating to STIX v1.1

  • The xsi:schemaLocation attribute updated to refer to STIX v1.1 schemas, hosted at
  • The version attribute on STIXType instances set to 1.1.
  • The version attribute on IncidentType instances set to 1.1.
  • The version attribute on TTPType instances set to 1.1.
  • The version attribute on CourseOfActionType instances set to 1.1.
  • The version attribute on ThreatActorType instances set to 1.1.
  • The version attribute on CampaignType instances set to 1.1.
  • The version attribute on ExploitTargetType instances set to 1.1.
  • The version attribute on IndicatorType instances set to 2.1.
  • Namespace definitions for MAEC 4.0.1 Malware extension removed during translation:
  • Namespace definitions for CAPEC 2.6.1 Attack Pattern extension removed during translation:


CybOX v2.0.1 is tightly integrated into STIX v1.0.1. As such, any CybOX 2.0.1 content found within a STIX v1.0.1 document will be updated to CybOX 2.1. See the Updates to CybOX Content page for more details about CybOX content updates with stix-ramrod.

Untranslatable Fields

The following fields, data types, attributes or other structures cannot be translated to STIX v1.1. Updating content which includes these fields will require a forced update.

  • Instances of MAEC 4.0.1 Malware extension MAEC4.0InstanceType.
  • Instances of CAPEC 2.6.1 Attack Pattern extension CAPEC2.6InstanceType.
  • Instances of ttp:Malware where all children are instances of MAEC 4.0.1 Malware extension.
  • Instances of ttp:Attack_Patterns where all children are instances of CAPEC 2.6.1 Attack Pattern extension.
  • Instances of stixCommon:Date_Time that do not have valid xs:dateTime values.

Translated Fields

The following fields and data types are were changed in STIX v1.1 in a manner that requires translation in order to maintain a schema-valid status.


When updating from STIX v1.0.1 to STIX v1.1, instances of stixCommon:ContributorsType must be translated to instances of stixCommon:ContributingSourceType.

The STIX v1.0.1 ContributorsType contains a list of Contributor elements under it which were IdentityType instances.

The STIX v1.1 ContributingSourcesType contains a list of Source elements under it which are instances of InformationSourceType.

Because InformationSourceType has an Identity child element which is an instance of IdentityType, we can perform the following transformation:

Example: A STIX v1.0.1 ContributorsType instance.


Example: A STIX v1.1 ContributingSourceType instance.



When updating from STIX v1.0.1 to STIX v1.1, instances of stixCommon:ExploitTargetsType change from a flat list of stixCommon:ExploitTargetBaseType instances to an extension of stixCommon:GenericRelationshipListType.

Example: A STIX v1.0.1 ttp:Exploit_Targets instance.

   <stixCommon:Exploit_Target idref='example:et-1'/>
   <stixCommon:Exploit_Target idref='example:et-2'/>

Example: A STIX v1.1 ttp:Exploit_Targets instance.

        <stixCommon:Exploit_Target idref='example:et-1'/>
        <stixCommon:Exploit_Target idref='example:et-2'/>

Controlled Vocabulary Updates

At a minimum, controlled vocabulary updates include updates to the vocab_name, vocab_reference, and xsi:type attributes to refer to new data type names and versions. Instance values may be updated if typos were fixed in new versions.

The following updates were made to default STIX controlled vocabularies, defined by the stix_default_vocabularies.xsd schema.

  • MotivationVocab-1.0.1 updated to MotivationVocab-1.1.
    • Term 'Policital' corrected to 'Political'.
  • IndicatorTypeVocab-1.0 updated to IndicatorTypeVocab-1.1.


Controlled Vocabulary updates can be disabled in stix-ramrod via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class or the --disable-vocab-update option if using

Empty Optional Fields Removed

The following elements were required in STIX v1.0.1 but became optional in STIX v1.1. Empty instances of these fields will be stripped during the update process.

  • marking:Controlled_Structure
  • marking:Marking_Structure


By default, stix-ramrod will remove empty instances of optional fields which are discovered in input content. This behavior can be disabled via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class, or the --disable-remove-optionals flag if using the bundled

STIX v1.0 to v1.0.1

STIX v1.0.1 was a bugfix release which came after STIX v1.0. Because it is an bugfix release the number of changes is small.

The sections below describe the changes stix-ramrod performs during an upgrade from STIX v1.0 to v1.0.1

General Updates

The following general changes are made to STIX v1.0 content when updating to STIX v1.0.1.

  • The xsi:schemaLocation attribute updated to refer to STIX v1.0.1 schemas, hosted at
  • The version attribute on STIXType instances set to 1.0.1.
  • The version attribute on IncidentType instances set to 1.0.1.
  • The version attribute on TTPType instances set to 1.0.1.
  • The version attribute on CourseOfActionType instances set to 1.0.1.
  • The version attribute on ThreatActorType instances set to 1.0.1.
  • The version attribute on CampaignType instances set to 1.0.1.
  • The version attribute on ExploitTargetType instances set to 1.0.1.
  • The version attribute on IndicatorType instances set to 2.0.1.
  • Namespace definitions for MAEC 4.0 Malware extension removed during translation:
  • Namespace definitions for CAPEC 2.5 Attack Pattern extension removed during translation:


CybOX v2.0 is tightly integrated into STIX v1.0. As such, any CybOX 2.0 content found within a STIX v1.0 document will be updated to CybOX 2.0.1. See the Updates to CybOX Content page for more details about CybOX content updates with stix-ramrod.

Untranslatable Fields

The following fields, data types, attributes or other structures cannot be translated to STIX v1.0.1. Updating content which includes these fields will require a forced update.

  • Instances of MAEC 4.0 Malware extension MAEC4.0InstanceType.
  • Instances of ttp:Malware where all children are instances of MAEC 4.0 Malware extension.
  • Instances of CAPEC 2.5 Attack Pattern extension CAPEC2.5InstanceType.
  • Instances of ttp:Attack_Patterns where all children are instances of CAPEC 2.5 Attack Pattern extension.

Controlled Vocabulary Updates

At a minimum, controlled vocabulary updates include updates to the vocab_name, vocab_reference, and xsi:type attributes to refer to new data type names and versions. Instance values may be updated if typos were fixed in new versions.

The following updates were made to default STIX controlled vocabularies, defined by the stix_default_vocabularies.xsd schema.

  • MotivationVocab-1.0 updated to MotivationVocab-1.0.1.
    • Term 'Ideological - Anti-Establisment' corrected to 'Ideological - Anti-Establishment'.
  • PlanningAndOperationalSupportVocab-1.0 updated to PlanningAndOperationalSupportVocab-1.0.1.
    • Term 'Planning - Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Gethering' corrected to 'Planning - Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Gathering'
    • Term 'Planning ' corrected to 'Planning' (trailing space removed)


Controlled Vocabulary updates can be disabled in stix-ramrod via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class or the --disable-vocab-update option if using

Empty Optional Fields Removed

There are no optional fields that are removed when updating from STIX v1.0 to STIX v1.0.1.