Version: 1.2.0

Updates to CybOX Content

The following sections detail the changes that stix-ramrod makes when upgrading CybOX content.


The sections below do not detail the full breadth and depth of changes made to the CybOX language between releases. Some updates, such as the addition of new CybOX Objects or controlled vocabulary terms do not require any changes to be made to the source content during an update.

To see a complete list of changes made to CybOX, check out the Release Notes section of a CybOX Language Release page.

CybOX v2.0.1 to 2.1

CybOX v2.1 was a minor release made to CybOX v2.0.1 and included many bug fixes, some of which resulted in backwards incompatibilities with previous versions of CybOX. On top of bug fixes, CybOX 2.1 introduced new controlled vocabularies and terms, CybOX Objects, data types and backwards-compatible structural enhancements.

The sections below describe the changes stix-ramrod performs during an upgrade from CybOX 2.0.1 to CybOX 2.1.

General Updates

The following general changes are made to CybOX 2.0.1 content when updating to CybOX 2.1.

  • The xsi:schemaLocation attribute updated to refer to CybOX 2.1 schemas, hosted at
  • The cybox_major_version attribute on ObservableType instances set to 2.
  • The cybox_minor_version attribute on ObservableType instances set to 1.
  • The cybox_update_version attribute removed from ObservablesType instances.

Untranslatable Fields

The following fields, data types, attributes or other structures cannot be translated to CybOX v2.1. Updating content which includes these fields will require a forced update.

  • HTTPSessionObj:X_Forwarded_Proto element instances.
  • Type elements instances found in WinExecutableFileObj:PESectionType.
  • WinMailslotObj:Handle element instances when it contains more than one child Handle element.
  • WinTaskObj:Trigger_Type element instances.

Object Updates

The following changes are made to CybOX Objects.

HTTP Session Object

  • HTTPSessionObj:DNT element data type changed from URIObj:URIObjectType to cyboxCommon:StringObjectPropertyType.
  • HTTPSessionObj:Vary element data type changed from URIObj:URIObjectType to cyboxCommon:StringObjectPropertyType.
  • HTTPSessionObj:Refresh updated from cyboxCommon:IntegerObjectPropertyType to cyboxCommon:StringObjectPropertyType

Network Packet Object

  • PacketObj:Protol_Addr_Size renamed to PacketObj:Proto_Addr_Size
  • PacketObj:Excapsulating_Security_Payload renamed to PacketObj:Encapsulating_Security_Payload
  • PacketObj:Authenication_Data renamed to PacketObj:Authentication_Data

Windows Driver Object

  • The version of the Win_Driver_Object.xsd schema, which defines the Windows Driver Object was upgraded to 3.0.
  • The namespace for the Windows Driver Object was changed from to '

Windows Mailslot Object

  • The top-level WinMailslotObj:Handle container is removed, causing Handle child to take it its place. This can only be done if there is one Handle child. If more than one child Handle element is present, the top-level WinMailslotObj:Handle container is considered untranslatable.

    Example CybOX 2.0.1 WinMailslotObj:Handle

        <cybox:Properties xsi:type="WinMailslotObj:WindowsMailslotObjectType">

    Example CybOX 2.1 WinMailslotObj:Handle

        <cybox:Properties xsi:type="WinMailslotObj:WindowsMailslotObjectType">

    Example Untranslatable CybOX 2.0.1 WinMailslotObj:Handle

        <cybox:Properties xsi:type="WinMailslotObj:WindowsMailslotObjectType">
                    <WinHandleObj:Name>One Child</WinHandleObj:Name>
                    <WinHandleObj:Name>Cannot translate! Two Handle children present.</WinHandleObj:Name>

Controlled Vocabulary Updates

At a minimum, controlled vocabulary updates include updates to the vocab_name, vocab_reference, and xsi:type attributes to refer to new data type names and versions. Instance values may be updated if typos were fixed in new versions.

The following updates were made to default CybOX controlled vocabularies, defined by the cybox_default_vocabularies.xsd schema.

  • ToolTypeVocab-1.0 updated to ToolTypeVocab-1.1.
    • Term 'A/V' changed to 'AV'.
  • ObjectRelationshipVocab-1.0 updated to ObjectRelationshipVocab-1.1.
  • ActionNameVocab-1.0 updated to ActionNameVocab-1.1.


Controlled Vocabulary updates can be disabled in stix-ramrod via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class or the --disable-vocab-update option if using

Empty Optional Fields Removed

The following elements were required in CybOX 2.0.1 but became optional in CybOX 2.1. Empty instances of these fields will be stripped during the update process.

  • DiskPartitionObj:Partition_ID
  • DNSCacheObj:DNS_Entry
  • DNSQueryObj:QName
  • FileObj:Depth
  • HTTPSessionObj:Message_Body, HTTPSessionObj:Domain_Name
  • PacketObj:Address_Mask, PacketObj:Address_Mask_Reply, PacketObj:Address_Mask_Request, PacketObj:Destination_Unreachable, PacketObj:Echo_Reply, PacketObj:Echo_Request, PacketObj:Error_Msg, PacketObj:Frag_Reassembly_Time_Exceeded, PacketObj:Host_Redirect, PacketObj:IP_Addr_Prefix, PacketObj:IPv6_Addr, PacketObj:Info_Msg, PacketObj:Network_Redirect, PacketObj:Outbound_Packet_Forward_Success, PacketObj:Outbound_Packet_no_Route, PacketObj:Receive_Timestamp, PacketObj:Redirect_Message, PacketObj:Source_Quench, PacketObj:TTL_Exceeded_In_Transit, PacketObj:Time_Exceeded, PacketObj:Timestamp, PacketObj:Timestamp_Reply, PacketObj:Timestamp_Request, PacketObj:ToS_Host_Redirect, PacketObj:ToS_Network_Redirect, PacketObj:Traceroute, PacketObj:Transmit_Timestamp
  • SystemObj:IP_Address
  • URIObj:Value
  • WinComputerAccountObj:Delegation, WinComputerAccountObj:Bitmask, WinComputerAccountObj:Service
  • WinFileObj:Size_In_Bytes
  • WinNetworkShareObj:Netname
  • WinPrefetchObj:VolumeItem, WinPrefetchObj:DeviceItem


By default, stix-ramrod will remove empty instances of optional fields which are discovered in input content. This behavior can be disabled via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class, or the --disable-remove-optionals flag if using the bundled

CybOX v2.0 to v2.0.1

CybOX v2.0.1 was a bugfix release made to CybOX v2.0.1.

The sections below describe the changes stix-ramrod performs during an upgrade from CybOX 2.0 to CybOX 2.0.1.

General Updates

The following general changes are made to CybOX 2.0 content when updating to CybOX 2.0.1:

  • The xsi:schemaLocation attribute updated to refer to CybOX 2.0.1 schemas, hosted at
  • The cybox_major_version attribute on ObservableType instances set to 2.
  • The cybox_minor_version attribute on ObservableType instances set to 0.
  • The cybox_minor_version attribute added to ObservablesType instances and set to 1.

List Delimiters

CybOX 2.0 allows for the definition of multiple Object Property field values through the use of a reserved list delimiter, which is defined to be ',' (a comma). Grammatical commas were expressed as <![CDATA[&comma;]]>.

CybOX 2.0.1 changed the reserved list delimiter to be '##comma##', allowing for grammatical commas to be expressed without special syntax or CDATA wrappers.

Example CybOX 2.0 List
<!-- Describes two email subjects: 'Foo' and 'Bar' -->
<EmailObj:Subject condition="Equals" apply_condition="ANY">Foo,Bar</EmailObj:Subject>
Example CybOX 2.0 Grammatical Comma
<!-- Use of a grammatical comma -->
<EmailObj:Subject>Et tu<![CDATA[&comma;]]> Brute?</EmailObj:Subject>

CybOX 2.0.1 changed the default list delimiter to be '##comma##', allowing for grammatical commas to be used naturally.

Example CybOX 2.0.1 List
<!-- Describes two email subjects: 'Foo' and 'Bar' -->
<EmailObj:Subject condition="Equals" apply_condition="ANY">Foo##comma##Bar</EmailObj:Subject>
Example CybOX 2.0.1 Grammatical Comma
<!-- Use of a grammatical comma -->
<EmailObj:Subject>Et tu, Brute?</EmailObj:Subject>

Untranslatable Fields

All CybOX 2.0 fields can be translated to 2.0.1. There should not be any need to perform a forced update.

Object Updates

All CybOX 2.0 Object content can be updated to 2.0.1 without any structural transformations or content translations.

Controlled Vocabulary Updates

At a minimum, controlled vocabulary updates include updates to the vocab_name, vocab_reference, and xsi:type attributes to refer to new data type names and versions. Instance values may be updated if typos were fixed in new versions.

The following updates were made to default CybOX controlled vocabularies, defined by the cybox_default_vocabularies.xsd schema.

  • EventTypeVocab-1.0 updated to EventTypeVocab-1.0.1
    • Term 'Anomoly Events' changed to 'Anomaly Events'


Controlled Vocabulary updates can be disabled in stix-ramrod via the ramrod.UpdateOptions class or the --disable-vocab-update option if using

Empty Optional Fields Removed

No existing fields were made optional in CybOX 2.0.1.